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WooCommerce Support Ticket System Free Download v17.9

Woocommerce Plugins

WooCommerce Support Ticket System Free Download

Today we have downloaded and shared the WooCommerce Support Ticket System Free Download with you guys. The files I have given you are neither cracked nor nulled, they are just 100% GPL and you guys can use these files on many websites..

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Features Of WooCommerce Support Ticket System 


Besides the default Open, In progress, and Closed ticket statuses, the shop admin can define his own custom statuses!


WCSTS plugin allows you to create tickets automatically each time the order hits a particular status! In addition, you can set up the first message to automatically include when the ticket is created.


The plugin allows the shop admin many customizations, such as:

  1. User/Order ticket subject type: The subject can be an open text (with length limit) or a select menu by which the user has to select one of the preselected topics (Use the text menu to configure them)
  2. Messages and subject length limit
  3. Disable order ticket system: disabling the ticket area will no longer be shown on every order details page. The shop admin will be still able to display the User ticket area using the [wcsts_ticket_area] shortcode
  4. Attachments: enable attachments, number of attachable files, size and types
  5. Email notification system: enable disable user and/or admin notifications
  6. Display ticket status on frontend
  7. Allow users to assign a priority to the just created ticket


The shop admin can customize the following texts:

  1. New ticket description: displayed on the new ticket box. It could contain various info, like ticket average processing times
  2. New ticket “successfully submitted” message: This message is displayed after a ticket has been successfully submitted by the user
  3. Notification emails subject and body: All email subjects and messages can be customized. Furthermore can be used special place holder like {subject}, {message}, {ticket_id} to embed dynamic content about the current ticket message.


The plugin is compatible with WPML. To translate dynamic texts, just go to the Text menu, switch languages using the WPML language selector, and input a text. In the case of preselected topics, Remember to create the translations for each language.

Changelog Of WooCommerce Support Ticket System 

  • * Improved security
  • * Minor UI improvements

Complete Installation Guide Of WooCommerce Support Ticket System 

  • Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
  • Go to Plugins > Add New.
  • Click Upload Plugin.
  • Choose the .zip file you downloaded and click Install Now.
  • Once the installation is complete, click Activate.

Demo Of WooCommerce Support Ticket System 

Live Demo –

WooCommerce Support Ticket System Free Download

I have provided this file only with a GPL license so that you can use it on your website and your client’s website without any problem this given file is neither cracked nor nulled, this is a GPL file, and this file is provided only by GPL providers and they have provided this file for downloading. Copy the Uploadcave or Mediafire link open it in a new tab and download the WooCommerce Support Ticket System Free Download GPL file for free.

How To Download Files On Voneads

Below are the file download links. The first one is from Mega, and the second one is from Mediafire. Watch How to download files from the “Voneads” video before downloading any files

Before downloading the file, watch this video to learn How To Download Files On Voneads

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Copyright Notices: This website is not sharing themes by cloning or cracking. We respect the GNU General Public License (GPL) and the hard work of the theme creator. On this website, we share that links are already stored elsewhere and are not a part of this website. Our website does not carry any responsibility for them. If our site has indexed your copyrighted material and you want this material to be removed, then contact us immediately. We will remove it in 48 hours. 

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Noob Vellen

Noob Vellen is a seasoned WordPress developer with more than 12 years of expertise in creating and customizing plugins and themes. Specializing in WordPress development, they are passionate about improving user experiences and helping businesses reach their online objectives. In addition to coding, Noob Vellen shares valuable insights and tips with the WordPress community. Let's create something unique together!

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