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Link Whisper Plugin GPL Free Download v2.5.6 Full Working

Wp Plugin

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Today we have downloaded and shared Link Whisper Plugin GPL Free with you guys. The files I have given you are neither cracked or nulled, they are just 100% GPL and you guys can use these files on many websites.

Link Whisper GPL is a WordPress plugin designed to enhance internal linking within your website. It simplifies the process of adding contextual links by providing smart suggestions as you write your content. This helps improve SEO by connecting related posts and pages, boosting site navigation and user engagement.

The plugin’s interface offers easy-to-use features for adding, managing, and tracking internal links. While there is a free version available, the Pro version includes additional features such as advanced link suggestions, automated link building, and detailed reports. Link Whisper GPL aims to streamline the internal linking process, ultimately improving your site’s search engine ranking.

  • AUTOMATIC LINK SUGGESTIONS AS YOU WRITE – Links Whisper is smart. Powered by artificial intelligence, Link Whisper starts suggesting relevant internal links when you start writing your article right within the WordPress editor. Depending on how many articles you have on your site and the relevance of your existing content, Link Whisper will suggest dozens or more internal links from the content you are editing. Just check the box and hit save. Internal links are done.
  • QUICKLY FIND AND BUILD INTERNAL LINKS TO OLD POSTS THAT NEED MORE – Ever wondered if you have any “orphan” content out there that doesn’t have a single internal link built to it? With Link Whisper you can quickly see which pages have very little or no internal links pointing to them. But it doesn’t stop there! You can just as quickly click “add” new internal links TO those articles with very few internal links pointing to them.
  • AUTOMATIC LINKS FROM KEYWORDS OF YOUR CHOICE – Want to build internal links faster? Try Link Whisper’s “Auto-Linking” feature! Simply input the keyword you want to build links from and then specify the URL you want those links to go to. Just like that and Link Whisper will automatically build links from all past and future mentions of those targeted keywords to the page of your choice.
  • INTERNAL LINKS REPORTING – With the in-depth link reporting, you can take control of your site structure and get the data you need to truly optimize your site. Not only can you get a great overview of your entire site, but you can also see how many outbound internal links and external links are coming from each article. The links stats dashboard gives you a complete understanding of internal and external links as well as any broken links, errors, or posts that could use some additional internal links.
  • FIX BROKEN LINKS – Wonder if you have an 404 pages or broken links on your site? Link Whisper makes it extremely easy to see all your broken internal and external links. You can also quickly edit or remove any broken links within Link Whisper.
  • ADD TARGET KEYWORDS FOR EVEN BETTER INTERNAL LINKS – Add your target SEO keywords that you are trying to rank for in Google and Link Whisper will suggest the most relevant links for your articles. Already use plugins like Yoast SEO, Rank Math, or All in One SEO to set your target keywords? Link Whisper will automatically pull in those target keywords, so you don’t have to duplicate any work!
  • GET TRAFFIC DATA FROM GOOGLE SEARCH CONSOLE – Link Whisper has an optional setting where you can connect and pull in traffic data from Google Search Console. This allows you to quickly see organic traffic, average position, and what keywords are bringing in results for your article. This keyword data can be invaluable to adjusting target keywords and internal links for maximum results.
  • GET INTERNAL LINK SUGGESTIONS FOR OTHER SITES YOU OWN – If you own multiple sites that use Link Whisper, you can “connect” them and start getting link suggestions between the sites you own. This can be especially powerful if you have multiple sites in a similar niche.

Please remember that if you want technical support for these files, you can purchase it separately from the original developer of these scripts. This will help them financially for further development as well.

Link Whisper Plugin Buy now –

Follow all steps carefully to activate Link Whisper Plugin successfully

Step 1 – Free download Link Whisper Plugin file from below given Mega or Mediafire link.

Step 2 – Etract downloaded file using Winrar software (Youcan download Winrar software from here)

Step 3 – Now you have 2 files one is Link Whisper plugin and another one Lisence.php file

Step 4 – Now go to WordPress Dashboard -> Plugin –> Add New –> Upload Plugin –> Choose –> File –> Select File –> Link Whisper premium by Voneads –> Install Now –> Activate it.

Step 5 – Now go to Cpannel –> File Manager –> Under Your Domain Name –> Wp content –> Plugin –> Link Whisper Premium –> Core –> Wpil (wp-content/link-whisper-premium/core/Wpil/)

Step 6 – Now click Upload –> Select Overwrite existing files –> Select File –> Now Choose the License.php file Which we have provided with the Link whisper plugin zip file.

Step 7 – Done. file Uploaded and Overwrited.

Step 8 – Now go to the WordPress dashboard and click the Link Whisper menu on the left side.

Step 9 – Now Link Whisper is installed and activated successfully.

Link Whisper Plugin GPL Complete Installation Guide With Activation

Go to WordPress Dashboard -> Plugin –> Add New –> Upload Plugin –> Choose –> File –> Select File –> Link Whisper Premium by Voneads –> Install Now –> Activate it. Done plugin preactivated and working fine

I have provided this file only with a GPL license so that you can use it on your website and your client’s website without any problem this given file is neither cracked nor nulled, this is a GPL file, and this file is provided only by GPL providers and they have provided this file for downloading. Copy the Mega or Mediafire link open it in a new tab and download Link Whisper Plugin GPL file for free.

How To Download Files On Voneads

Below are the file download links. The first one is from Mega, and the second one is from Mediafire. Watch How to download files from the “Voneads” video before downloading any files

Before downloading the file, watch this video to learn How To Download Files On Voneads

file 1

Old Link Whisper Plugin Free Download v2.5.1 Full Working

Old Link Whisper Plugin Free Download v2.4.8 Full Working

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Please Note

Copyright Notices: This website is not sharing themes by cloning or cracking. We respect the GNU General Public License (GPL) and the hard work of the theme creator. On this website, we share that links are already stored elsewhere and are not a part of this website. Our website does not carry any responsibility for them. If our site has indexed your copyrighted material and you want this material to be removed, then contact us immediately. We will remove it in 48 hours. 

Thank You


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Noob Vellen

Noob Vellen is a seasoned WordPress developer with more than 12 years of expertise in creating and customizing plugins and themes. Specializing in WordPress development, they are passionate about improving user experiences and helping businesses reach their online objectives. In addition to coding, Noob Vellen shares valuable insights and tips with the WordPress community. Let's create something unique together!

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