We’re now offering Free & paid guest posting on our website across all categories (excluding adult content). Our site boasts a Domain Authority of 27, Page Authority of 32, and a Domain Rating of 42, with over 20k monthly visitors. If you’d like to share your unique content with us, please reach out at contact@voneads.in for a Free & paid guest post. We’ll provide you with a live URL within 24 hours. Before submitting your content, ensure it is original and well-written. Please note that duplicate content will not be published on our site.
Guest Post pricing
Posts | Prices |
Single Post (Normal Niche) | Free (Negotiable) |
Single Post (Gambling, Betting) | 10$/₹800 |
Link Insertion Pricing
Links | Prices |
Single Link | Free |
2 Link | 5$/₹400 (2$/₹160 each) |
4 Links | 10$/₹800 (4$/300₹each) |
Payment Information:
Please Send Us A Screenshot Of The Payment Confirmation Via Telegram Or Email Once It’s Completed. We Recommend Using Telegram For More Efficient Communication.
UPi ID | voneads@ibl |
PhonePe & GPay | 9812845979 |
PayPal | Adding Soon |
Binance Id | UPI ID |
Be sure to review our guidelines for paid guest posting here…
1. Meta Title & Description
- Include a meta title and meta description.
- Note: Meta title should be up to 60 characters.
2. Word Count
- Minimum of 600+ words for your content.
3. Formatting
- Use short paragraphs and incorporate bullet points for better readability.
4. Link Policy
- We allow two do-follow links:
- First link: Place it in the first paragraph.
- Second link: Place it in the last paragraph.
5. Post Permanence
- Your post will be permanent.
- Turnaround Time (TAT): 24 hours (1 day).
6. Content Restrictions
- No adult content will be accepted.
7. Originality
- All articles must be unique.
- Do not submit duplicate content.
8. Link Integrity
- We have the authority to remove links if any broken links are found.
9. Keywords
- Please include 2-3 keywords in your content to enhance ranking potential.
10. Compliance
- If your post goes against our guidelines, we reserve the right to modify or delete it.